
Monday, June 15

The mother of invention

I do not know how this was released without My Notice, but look at this new steampunk pattern from Pixie Faire!
It is the Inventor who uses their talent and imagination to create the marvels of the steampunk world. Ceaseless tinkering, designing and occasionally blowing things up – the Inventor is a quintessential steampunk archetype.
The steampunk movement is built on Victorian science fiction. As such, steampunk fashion uses the Victorian and Edwardian eras as a basis and builds from there. One steampunk blogger advises "dress Victorian and then add". It's the additions – gears and gadgets - that make steampunk so fun. This pattern bundle includes not only the basic clothing pieces – Knickerbockers, Shirt and Utility Bustle – but also some fun goggles!  This PDF sewing pattern is designed to fit 18 inch dolls such as American Girl®.

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