
Wednesday, July 8

There's a place for us

Ooh, the excitement is palpable around here!

American Girl Scottsdale is scheduled to open in 44 days!

Momma and my Big Sister and I went by the new location earlier today, but sadly, there was nothing to see other than construction workers going about their business.

However, since the new store is only 20 minutes away, Momma and I shall go by weekly and keep you, My Faithful Subjects, well informed.

We were excited to see the Scottsdale store map online. I thoroughly approve of the layout so far.

American Girl Place Los Angeles has the books and Girl of the Year as the primary focus when you first walk in. You have to go upstairs and search for the historic (Be Forever) sections. American Girl Scottsdale will have the Be Forever section front and center!

I hope my doppelgänger Addy is the Very First One to see!



  1. are gonna have a Bistro.....our store here in Denver doesn't have one...but DD lives in I think I may get to visit your store....!!!!

    1. Let me know when! Maybe we can meet there sometime.
