
Monday, October 12

Sentimental journey

Momma has been mourning the death of her one and only aunt.

Aunt Barbara was a childhood doll collector who shared her love with dolls with Momma. She gave Momma one of Momma's most prized dolls, Belinda, and they spent many delightful hours talking about dolls.

Momma and Aunt Barbara loved to peruse the early Pleasant Company catalogues featuring the original trio, Kirsten, Samantha, and Molly.

Aunt Barbara (who was born in 1928) particularly liked Molly. (Heck, she even looked like Molly - down to the braids and glasses!) Each item in Molly's collection could trigger a flood of memories and hours of conversation.

So which American Girl doll was Momma's first?

My Big Sister got Kirsten and Addy for Christmas 2006. It was the first time Momma had actually seen and held an American Girl doll, and she fell in love.

Momma quickly found some online groups dedicated to Pleasant Company/American Girl dolls where several people mentioned finding used dolls at Goodwill. Skeptical, Momma stopped by after work and found a beautiful Pleasant Company Molly for only $9.95! (Her one and only time, I might add.)

Goodwill Molly has become a mini Aunt Barbara over the past eight years. She has her drop-leaf kitchen table like we have, Kit's roll-top desk and typewriter, and other goodies that remind her of Aunt Barbara and other family stories.

RIP, Aunt Barbara. We shall meet again in the giant dollhouse in the sky.


  1. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I am happy that you and your Aunt Barbara shared so many happy doll conversations. I am sure she enjoyed knowing that you continue to "play" with and appreciate Belinda and the Molly who holds a little bit of Barbara in her. She probably was, and is, very proud of this blog you write.

    My mother and I shared a love of dolls and toys. Though she never met my daughters, they remind me of her daily. I bought Kit, who is the same age as my mother at the same time, and also resembles her. She also has some items that remind me of my mother's childhood. And I have my mother's dear, favorite doll. These inanimate (yet so real!) toys help hold our family memories. Comforting in childhood, they find new ways to bring us comfort as adults.

    With sympathy,

  2. So very sorry to hear of your loss. When a loved one is called home it is so hard. There are no words that can ease the pain, I do hope the many memories and all the love shared will eventually turn the tears back to smiles.

    Much love and many hugs,
    ~Xyra and the Tea Time girls.
