
Thursday, January 26

It's a boys life

Greetings and Salutations!

Clementine and I are in a dither. Two Vinyl American boys have joined our family!

Walmart's 18" "My Life As" doll-line has introduced two school boys: an African American and a medium-skinned doll that can pass for many different cultures. 

The My Life As Doll is pose-able with a soft torso. His hair is rooted and can be brushed and styled, providing hours of playtime for your child. Most 18-inch doll clothing and accessories will fit the My Life As Doll. The PVC surface of the doll can be wiped clean, should he ever get dirty. The My Life As Doll is made of PVC.

Much as I love my new beau, he does not have a soft, hug-able torso. What he does have is an adorable face with well-sculpted lips. 


What should we name him? Please suggest names in the comments below. 

I hope to introduce you to Clementine's also-yet-to-be-named beau tomorrow!

Sunday, January 1

Living the dream

Dear Not-so-Gentle Reader,

Happy New Year! I am Sincerely Sorry it has taken me So Long to post again, but we still don't have regular access to the internet, and long, wordy posts are sometimes more than either Momma or I want to do on her iPhone.

Grandmomma and Grandpoppa are settled in the new apartment in an independent living facility, and Momma, my Big Sister and I are loving our New Apartment.  We all have good and bad days, but the Good Days are outnumbering the Bad Days now.

Today, Momma, my Big Sister and I went to the American Girl - Scottsdale store for the unveiling of Gabriela McBride. A friend of Momma's gave my Big Sister an AG gift certificate for Christmas so Gabby came home with us! (The in-store giveaway for kids was a tasty cookie and a small blank journal that looks like Gabriela's boombox.

I can't tell you how excited Momma and I are about the release this year of both Melody Ellison and Gabby - two Girls of Color in Six Months!

Momma and I did come away with mixed feelings about Gabby and her collection.

  • Finally - an African American Girl of the Year!
  • She is not a new doll - AG retired #46 earlier this year and she became Gabriele. AG is even offering Gabby's Meet outfit to some of the people who previously purchased #46.
  • An African American Girl of the Year!
  • A lot of her collection seemed to be reruns. A dancer? Marisol. Isabelle. Marisol had the trunk and cat. Isabelle the barre. The arts? Isabelle. Saige.
  • An African American Girl of the Year!
  • Theft must becoming more of a problem since Gabby's Meet box is different and a little more difficult to open and all the World pieces seemed to be sealed shut, unlike previous boxes that opened easily and had tissue inside.
  • An African American Girl of the Year!
  • The Crowds that people associate with new Girl of the Year releases were not there or at other stores. We got there a few minutes after the store opened and everyone was inside. Comfortably. However, there did seem to be more People of Color in the store. 
  • Did I mention AG finally made an African American Girl of the Year?!

We are delighted to welcome Gabby into our Vinyl American family since both Sonali and Cecile perished in The Fire. We just wish AG had put more effort into a creative doll launch. We're also wondering about the statement on the box:

The 18" Gabriela doll is available throughout 2017 and beyond.

So now they're not even limited editions? My prediction is poor Gabby is going to sell poorly since she has a smaller collection with lots of duplicates, and isn't limited.

Time shall tell.

What do you think?