We got there shortly after the Comicon opened and already there were huge crowds, but we got our passes and went in.
Momma's friends Jennifer and Steve were already there and had gotten George Takei's autograph. They even got to meet his husband Brad!
(As a side note, Jennifer had gifts for Momma and that other doll Luna but nothing for me, hmph.)
We spent a lot of time walking around the exhibit hall and checking out the cool stuff and Momma bought me a robot head! Now I can make my own!
Momma's friends went to get their photo taken with Leonard Nimoy and we went to find some lunch. Just as Momma got our food (quesadillas for everyone!) her friends called and said the line to meet Evil Wil Wheaton was really short and to get back downstairs!
Momma left the food with my big sister and Grandmomma and grabbed me and we hustled downstairs.
We got in line where he signed a photo of himself ... and me! He said I was "great" and not the first "doll" he's signed. (But I was the first at this Comicon.)
Someone said I should get a bikini to show off his signature. I'll have to go to the library to find out what a bikini is, but it can't possibly expose more skin than what I saw today. The things those girls were wearing!!!
After eating a quick lunch we went to a huge room that seated 4,000 people to hear Leonard Nimoy talk. He sure was funny!
After that, my big sister and Momma's momma headed home but Momma and I stayed to play. We finished the Exhibit Hall and Momma got me an incredible cameo locket. I hope I can get back to 1864 okay, but I think it will be fine.
Fellow steampunkers thought I was great and I got lots of compliments.
We finished the day with a Steampunk Fashion Show. I was not asked to model but one man offered to make me my own little aether gun!