Monday, November 12

It's beginning to smell a lot like fruitcake

Now that the holidays are approaching, I shall remind you that fruitcake jokes are not tolerated in my family.

Today was the Annual Making of The Fruitcake. The whole family gathered so Grandmomma could tell the history of The Family Fruitcake - and so my Uncle could stir the pot. Grandmomma says it has been in the family since the Civil War!

It's beginning to smell a lot like fruitcake
Ev'rywhere you go....

So for you fruitcake lovers, here's The Family Fruitcake. Make it approximately one month ahead.

Boil 1 lb. of raisins, 3 C. coffee, 3 T. shortening (heaping), 3 C. sugar, 1 C. currants, 1/2 lb. dates and/or white raisins. If your candied fruit is old you can boil it, too.)

When cool, add 1.5 t. salt, 1.5 t. baking powder, 1.5 t. allspice, 1 t. nutmeg, 1.5 t. cloves, 1.5 t. cinnamon, 1.5 t. baking soda (heaping).

Add 5 C. flour and 2 lbs. candied fruit and stir well.

Grease four large bread pans and line the bottoms with greased parchment paper. Bake at 325° for about one hour until an inserted toothpick comes out fairly clean. (It might have moist cake clinging to it but it shouldn't be raw batter.)

Remove the fruitcakes from the pans after cooling for about 30 minutes. Allow to cool on racks thoroughly then place in resealable plastic bags. Allow the fruitcakes to age at least a month before slicing and serving. Sprinkle with rum if so desired.

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