Sunday, February 16

Tees for two ... or more

Mini Me Dolly Divas

Clementine and I have hit the clothing jackpot!

Just look at what Momma got for us from Mini Me Dolly Divas!

You've seen the stunning Steampunk Star Trek outfit Dacia made me, but she added a "few" more T-shirts into the trade. 

Woo hoo!

Meanwhile we are trying to decide what to wear first. Any suggestions?

Bonus points if  you can name all the pop culture references in the T-shirts.


  1. Gee, could there possibly be some Star Trek in there? ;)
    Oh, and your blog is GREAT. I love all your steampunk outfits!

  2. <3 All the Trekkie comments! So great! It's fantastic that you're a trekkie and a doll lover!

  3. Very cute. I love them all. I see it is a hard decision to make. :)
